800+ different stamps with an additional 100 (which will be explained). The album is in good used condition. The’looseness’ in the spine is because it is a 2-post loose leaf style. Space limitations kept me from posting the one more page I have showing the front cover and interior first page showing the posts. Message me if you want to see this. They are listed individually below. I do not have a current Scott Catalogue for valuation so I used Mystic Stamp Company’s website. For used stamps, I took the lowest price, and for MNH stamps, I took the’Unused with small fault’ price instead of their’Mint’ price. Not counting those in the sizable Back of the Book grouping, there are no stamps after the 1890s UNTIL the 1925 Norse American issue. Starting there, there is a good selection from the rest of the 1920s. A great selection of the 1930s, a majority of what aren’t here are the 1938 Presidents issue and coils. The 1940s appear to be almost complete. I counted 400+ different stamps from the 1920s – 1960, which includes 4 different souvenir sheets. After 1960, there are no photo spaces with the Scott numbers. I estimate the run is about 80% complete. The range is from Scott #1173 to Scott #1422 (250 issues). I count 194 different stamps (199 total with the Christmas precancel variations) from 1961 – 1970. I count the blocks or panels as single stamps where they are made up of all-different stamps. About the 100 stamps – it is the 1931 Red Cross issue, Scott #702. It appears this collector had a special liking for this one. Perhaps it had to do with the’shifting cross’ this issue was known for. At first I thought the collector had unwisely broken up a full sheet of 100, but that is clearly not the case. There are 12 singles and 22 blocks of 4, with one of those having a plate number. As you can see on the 4 pages of these stamps, there is some pretty good shifting going on. Everything in this above group of 600-plus singles and 22 blocks are mounted and believed to all be MNH – though I only verified a few at random. Stamps are in clear mounts which are adhered to the pages. I took a random sampling and saw no hinges or evidence of hinges. The mounts had to be removed so I could take. That random sampling (so there will be some loose mounted stamps) and I saw no hinges or evidence of hinges. Everything is pictured on 70 album pages. Next I will list the early stamps and BOB groups individually. All are used except where noted. The early stamps appear on 9 album pages. (Parentheses) are Mystic’s lowest price. 1851 Scott #11 3 cent Washington imperforate placed incorrectly on Sc #33 (11.50). 1857 Scott #24 1 cent Franklin placed incorrectly on Sc #42 (38.00). 1857 Scott #26 3 cent Washington placed incorrectly on Sc #44 (8.00). 1861 Scott #63 1 cent Franklin (30.00). 1861 Scott #65 3 cent Washington (2.25). 1861 Scott #68a Dark Green 10 cent Washington (55.00). 1863 Scott #73 2 cent Jackson (35.00). 1867 Scott #88 3 cent Washington (19.00). 1867 Scott #94 3 cent Washington (6.50). 1867 Scott #135 2 cent Jackson’Grill’ (50.00). 1867 Scott #136 3 cent Washington’Grill’ (17.50). 1870 Scott #145 1 cent Franklin’w/out Grill’ (14.00). 1870 Scott #146 2 cent Jackson. W/out Grill’ (1.25). 10 cent Jefferson (16.00). 5 cent Taylor (10.95). 1882 Scott #205 5 cent Garfield (6.50). 1881 Scott #206 1 cent Franklin. 10 cent Jefferson (3.75). 4 cent Jackson (11.50). 1893 Scott #231 2 cent Columbian Exhibition. 1893 Scott #231c 2 cent Columbian Exhibition’Broken Hat’ – (unused, 85.00). 1894 Scott #246 – 258 (109.50). Back of Book stamps – 171 total. C16, C17 – used (1.00 both). C19 – C45 – MNH (73.00 all). C47 – C63 – MNH (18.00 all). CE1 – CE2 – MNH (1.50 both). 1888 E2 – (19.50). 1895 E5 (6.00). 1911 E8 (5.00). 1914 E9 (9.00). 1922 E12 to 1971 E23 – MNH. E17 MNH block of 4. Certified – 1 stamp. 1955 FA1 – MNH (1.00). 1879 J1, J2, J3, J5 – used (82.00 all 4). 1887 J16, J19 – used (24.00 both). 1891 J22 – J25 – used (26.50 all 4). 1895 J38 – J42 – used (14.80 all 5). 1911 J45, J46, J48 – used (14.25 all 3). 1914 J52, J54, J56 – used (76.00 all 3). 1917 J61, J62, J64 – J67 – used and unused (2 and 5 cents) (4.00 all). 1925 J68 – unused. 1930 J69 – J78 – used and unused (19.00 all). 1931 J79 – J86 – used (50 cents unused) (2.00 all). 1959 J89 – J104 set in glassine, MNH, complete except for J88 1/2 cent (20.00 all). The next 4 groups on 3 album pages. 1912 Q1 – Q9 – used (55.00 all 9). 1925 QE1 – QE4 – MNH (26.00 all 4). 1925 JQ1, JQ3, JQ5 – used (11.50 all 3). 1906 RK12 Perf, 10 (26.50). 1925 RK29 (2.75). Official – 17 stamps on 3 album pages. 1873 O48 (12.00). 1873 O49 (2.75). 1873 O52 (16.00). 1873 O72 (9.50). 1873 O74 (3.00). 1873 O75 (4.50). 1873 O77 (12.50). 1973 O79 (12.50). 1873 O82 (15.00). 1879 O97 (4.95). 1979 O98 (5.75). 1879 O99 (11.00). 1879 O114 MH (6.75). 1879 O115 MH (6.25). 1911 O121 (4.50). 1911 O124 (6.75). 1911 O126 – MNH (19.00). 1979 PR57 (12.00). 1879 PR61 (30.00). 1885 PR81 (11.50). 1894 PR91 (350.00). 1898 PR 115 (7.50). 1898 PR 116 (12.50). There is easily several hundred dollars worth in the 700+ MNH stamps from 1925 to 1970.