All stamps photographed. American Stamp Dealer Association (USA). Philatelic Traders Society (UK). Bundesverband des Deutschen Briefmarkenhandels (DE). Nederlandse Vereniging van Postzegelhandelaren (NL). Really incredible mint and used collection with so many key stamps and sets present, starting with virtually complete officials (mainly mint) including agriculture, executive! , interior, post office, department of state set to 20 dollar mint (15c used), Justice, navy, trasury and war all complete + extra soft paper issues, 1865 newspaper set of 3 and later issues, Guam overprints complete, Cuba overprints, incredible Phillipines overprints inclusing 1895/98 set to 5 dollar (50ct to 5 dollar mint), 1903/4 set to 5 dollar complete mint (1c used), later issues, then a big section of revenue stamps including many scarce stamps, in oldtimer USA album. What a great collection with so many expensive items present, offered intact!